Survival Immersion Course



Start date


End Date


Dear Adventurous,

The Survival Immersion Course is organised for us from the 1st March 2025 12:00 to the 2nd 12:00 at Altwies (South of Luxembourg City and airport).

If you want to participate, please come back to me before Monday 9/9 answering this email (the previous one won’t work due to web issue) or by phone.

So far we are 4 persons + Torsten who will fly to us if no icing condition!
We still miss 1 person for the training course to be organised!

Let me know if you want to fly to Luxembourg or drive to Altwies.

Here are some more details :
The course is designed to provide a hands-on survival experience, where we will build our own shelters, start a fire, and spend the night in the shelters we create.

It’s a unique opportunity to learn and practice essential wilderness survival skills.

If the weather isn’t great, it’s actually a perfect chance to learn crucial skills like making a fire in the rain.

Adverse conditions provide realistic training and boost your confidence in handling challenges. So, bad weather won’t be a problem—in fact, it can enhance the learning experience.

What You Will Learn:

  • Shelter Building and Camp Setup: Learn to build a secure shelter using natural materials and set up a functional campsite to stay protected and comfortable overnight.
  • Fire-Making in Challenging Conditions: Master techniques to start and maintain a fire using various methods, even in wet or adverse conditions.
  • Water Procurement and Purification: Understand how to locate water sources, collect water safely, and use different purification methods to ensure it is drinkable.
  • Foraging and Outdoor Cooking: Gain basic knowledge of edible plants, insects, and small game. Learn safe outdoor cooking techniques using minimal equipment.
  •  Night Navigation: Develop skills to navigate in low-light conditions using natural landmarks and basic tools.
  • Overnight Safety and Security: Learn how to stay safe from wildlife, insects, and environmental hazards while sleeping outdoors.
  • Emergency First Aid: Practice essential first aid skills for treating injuries and illnesses that may occur in a wilderness setting.
  • Mindset and Resilience Training: Develop mental toughness and adaptability to handle unexpected challenges and maintain morale during extended outdoor stays.

Equipment Needed:

  • Personal Gear: Comfortable outdoor clothing suitable for overnight conditions, sturdy footwear, hat, gloves, and thermal layers.
  • Overnight Materials: Sleeping bag rated for the season, sleeping mat, tarp or bivy sack, mosquito net, and insect repellent.
  • Basic Survival Tools: Knife, fire starter, flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries, water bottle, and a small first aid kit.
  • Additional Items: Backpack for carrying gear, snacks, and personal items, notebook, and pen for taking notes.

Looking forwards this fabulous adventure!